A Doctor by any other name

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A Doctor by any other name

Once again, it would appear the Florida Medical Association, through its’ financial ties with the Florida Legislature, has decided the term “doctor” is exclusively THIER’S. For some reason, they think it only applies to the medical field!

Let’s look at this just a bit closer. The term “doctor” actually means to teach. Nothing more. It is a educational title awarded to literally anyone who has completed the requisite schooling to be awarded the degree. Lawyers are doctors. Educators can be doctors. Even physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists can be doctors. In fact, there are actually hundreds of fields one can earn the title of doctor in.

Yet, somehow, physicians misguidedly believe THEY are the only ones who can use the title!

Senate Bill 172 looks to codify this misguidance into law in Florida. This is just one more petty attempt by the Florida Medical Association to pat themselves on the back and thumb their noses at anyone else who dare use their educational accomplishment as part of their title!

Call your legislators and tell them to vote NO on Senate Bill 172! This dangerous and misguided attempt to restrict the use of an educational title has NOTHING to do with patient safety or endangerment. It is a petty attempt to restrict the legal use of the level of education attained, not the ability to provide medical care!

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