Florida Full Practice

Florida citizens deserve to have access to quality healthcare without unnecessary and outdated restrictions! Nurse Practitioners in Florida are, by law, limited in what they can provide.
Help us change that!

The Science

Read the research that proves Nurse Practitioners provide high quality care


Read some of the latest news about Nurse Practitioners

Patient Resources

How to report
Tell us your story

NP Resources

Compliment you Nurse Practitioner.
Tell us your story.

Provide the best services

With over 50 years of research to prove it, Nurse Practitioners provide high quality care that is equal to, and sometimes better than, other providers.

Why Patients Should Be Involved

Did you know 1 in 5 Americans finds it difficult if not impossible to see a physician for preventative care, treatment of minor health problems, and even treatment of serious illness.
By 2035 Florida will need 4500+ more primary care providers.

Learn More

Physician Shortages

In all but Miami, demand for care will outstrip supply of providers by 20% or more by 2035. Nurse Practitioners can fill this void. But only if they can practice to their fullest ability,

Mental Health

Mental health is seriously lacking in Florida. Mental health Nurse Practitioners can’t practice independently, which would greatly reduce this

Multiple Barriers

Nurse Practitioners in Florida encounter multiple barriers to allow them to practice, including reimbursement and hospital privileges.
Primary Care physicians
% retiring in 5 years
Additional needed by 2035
% increase needed

Florida is in Dire Need of More Providers!

Nurse Practitioners Can Fill This Need

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This site in intended for educational purposes of the general public. It will be updated as the information changes.